A science extravaganza for all science lovers out there.​

As a brand ambassador, you are tasked with registering teams for scientorious 4.0

Any teams registered with your name as brand ambassador will be added to your count of teams brought in.

Upon bringing in a minimum of two teams, you will be awarded certificates

As a competition between brand ambassadors, we have a shield designated for the one with the highest count of teams registered and will also be mentioned on our official pages.

It’s finally happening, Scientorious 4.0-better than ever-Bringing competition of the highest standards on 16th and 17th of November. Mark your calendars.

Brand Ambassador

As a brand ambassador, you are tasked with registering teams for scientorious 2.0

Any teams registered with your name as brand ambassador will be added to your count of teams brought in.

Upon bringing in a minimum of two teams, you will be awarded certificates

As a competition between brand ambassadors, we have a shield designated for the one with the highest count of teams registered and will also be mentioned on our official pages.

Team Registration

Please make sure to go through and read everything below before registrying your team (make sure this is highlighted/bold)

For modules this year, we have introduced new modules for commerce students. As such, there will be two overall winners for this event, one for science and one for commerce.

Each team will have a total of 6 modules including Mind Illusion and Pandora's Box, which are compulsory. You may choose 4 more modules of your choice.

While registering your team you will have to select modules of your choice while making sure that you select a larger number of either science or commerce modules so that your team may be added towards the award pool of either science or commerce.